Automated Mail Notifier
Our thoughts regarding physical mail and posts is that it is diminishing over time. But, still some of our important documents are still sent through physical mail. Most of have a post box out of our house, and some live in an apartment and that also have an array of post boxes of houses. What if we don't check our mail box regularly? A gentlemen was not a big fan of Physical mail, and one day a tax bill was sent to his home and it was rested in the post box for about a month. This man was not aware of this and resulted him to pay the bill immediately with a penalty. If he checked the mail box he could have saved some amount of his money and his temper. That gentlemen wanted to have a solution for this, but he doesn't like to check that post box every time. So, if we have an Arduino we have the solution. This system notifies the user whenever there is a mail and hence avoiding the need to check for mail frequently. This project is based on RF module (RF Transmit...